Buying a vehicle is a stressful and sometimes overwhelming process.

October 24, 2012

Good Morning Wayne,

I just thought I’d touch base, and tell you that so far. we absolutely are CRAZY for our new van!!  It’s a great vehicle.  Your service was fantastic, and Carlos was a pleasure to deal with.

I was in touch with 4 different Toyota dealerships in the city, over email, since Saturday.  Your dealership, well Carlos in particular, was the only one who got back to me in a timely fashion with all the information I was seeking.  Carlos was even connecting with me from home, before his shift even started on Monday!

I think you are aware, that buying a vehicle is a stressful and sometimes overwhelming process.  Shopping around is difficult, but if you know what you want (like we did) it shouldn’t be.  I was able to literally ‘shop’ this weekend, while my three kids under the age of three, played in the living room.  I was able to negotiate price from my desk over email, during my work day.  The process was much less intimidating for myself being a young woman as well, who in my case, doesn’t know a lot about cars.  I want you to know this because, I think your dealership is a step above the rest when it came to the internet.  I hope you continue to use it as a tool to bring you good business and to provide great service.  I plan to recommend my friends to your dealership as a result.

If you have ‘higher-ups’ in your business, please forward this email onto them as well.  They should be aware of the great job you and your sales people are doing at Gateway.

Cheers, and have a wonderful day!

Dallyce Bialowas


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